Enjoy Crafting? Join us for a fun night of fellowship and crafts Friday March 24th. at 5pm. Bring whatever you are working on or need help to finish.
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Eve Service is canceled
Camp Grace Around the World- VBS 2022
Grace Evangelical Free Church
Come Fly With Us!
Howdy! Bonjour! G’day! Ni hao! Welcome to Camp Grace VBS! (ages 5 – thru 6th grade)
Join us for an unforgettable week, as campers “visit” a different destination around the globe – taking the Good News of Jesus to those who haven’t heard.
Our 4 exciting days of mini excursions will take us to Texas, France, Australia, and China! Check out our parent newsletter, for more details and a full itinerary of each night!
7/17/22 – 7/20/22
6:15 pm – 8:30 pm
Grace Evangelical Free Church
536 Kentucky Avenue
Mansfield, OH 44905
Angie Hill or Pam Minich, Coordinators
(419) 565-3282 or (567) 303-9953
When registering, please be sure to complete a form for each child if you have more than one child planning to attend. Campers that pre-register by June 15th, will receive a sweet treat from Wendy’s!
Happy Easter!!!
Merry Christmas
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Easter!
All services is canceled today
A different perspective on Sheltering In Place
Click or touch the link below to to understand what one family went through to get to a safe place.